When we moved into our house in a wooded suburb of St. Paul Minnesota I often heard, but never saw, another exotic creature. Sometimes at night yips and yowls rang out beneath my bedroom window in a wild exuberant chorus. It was a while before I realized the manic conversation was coyotes greeting one another. Finally I did see a coyote, trotting nonchalantly across a nearby frozen lake despite the sub-zero temperatures.

The delightful photos you see in this post were taken by Ariel McGloghin. Ariel lives in an off-the-grid tiny house and you can see more of her gorgeous photos and read about her fascinating house on her blog, Fy Nyth ("my nest" in Welsh). She has more of her great coyote pics at this page on her blog, but please don't use any of the photos without Ariel's permission. And this is the story of Wiley, the tame Wisconsin coyote who was the model for the illustrations in "Hungry Coyote."